Prevent Procrastination & Boost Productivity With a Bullet Journal

Hazel Miller
Hazel Miller

Hazel Miller is a UK based content creator, a seasoned writer with over a decade of experience, passionately explores the realms of mental health and personal growth. Her insightful articles offer guidance and inspiration for those on the journey of self-discovery and well-being.

November 25, 2023

Are you looking to prevent procrastination, boost your productivity levels, and focus your mind? Well, in this case, it’s time to invest in a bullet journal. This minimalist, dot grid notebook is a simple yet highly effective form of writing therapy designed to encourage creativity, remove mental clutter, and calm racing thoughts.

Whether you’ve owned a diary as a child, a journal as a teen, or never put pen to paper before, we’re going to discuss the remarkable benefits of using a bullet journal. From top tips to de-stress with a pen in hand to mastering this note-taking tactic, let’s dive into the world of bullet journaling. 

Key Takeaways icon

Key Takeaways

  • If you value flexibility when journaling or note-taking, a bullet journal is the perfect choice.
  • Using a bullet journal app can help reduce stress levels and anxiety as you can freely organize your thoughts, ideas, goals, and important dates and reminders.
  • Unlike a more rigid diary or planner structure, a bullet journal gives individuals the room to let their thoughts and ideas flow freely onto a page, whether it be physical or via a bullet journal app.
  • You don’t need to wait until the New Year to start a bullet journal - start it today and experience the remarkable productivity benefits of keeping a bullet journal for yourself.

What Is Bullet Journaling? 

While you might think owning a bullet journal is just a trend, it’s one of the best ways to improve your performance both at work and in your personal life. It can help you set long-term goals, organize your thoughts on a day-to-day basis, and keep track of birthdays and other important occasions.

Described by its creator as mindfulness disguised as productivity, bullet journaling has grown in popularity in recent years. In its simplest form, a bullet journal combines a minimalist to-do list with a monthly calendar and provides a fast and efficient way of note-taking. But it can be so much more when you are creative and start using your symbols, stickers, fonts, and color-coding system[1].

But how does it differ from that diary you've been writing in since high school? Well, a diary can be considered a home for all your thoughts, feelings, and daily experiences. Its primary goal is self-reflection and making a note of your life experience. Whereas a bullet journal is a completely different story.

Rather than analyzing your thought patterns and expressing gratitude, a bullet journal acts as a way to stay organized and focused and ultimately smash your goals. Think of it as a habit tracker, long-term goals organizer, and daily log, all in one. But if you’re not sure where to start as a bullet journal beginner, you can find plenty of tutorials online for bullet journal ideas and what to include in your first bullet journal[2].

So, if you often feel stressed and anxious about upcoming work deadlines and social occasions or can’t quite get your head in the game these days - it’s time to start bullet journaling. You certainly won't regret it!

How To Make A Bullet Journal At Home?

The bullet journal was ​​created by Ryder Carroll, a digital product designer. But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a designer yourself to start journaling at home. All you need to start bullet journaling is a blank notebook, preferably with dotted paper. Why dots? I’m glad you asked! Well, a bullet journal provides the freedom and flexibility to create boxes, sections, titles, sub-headings, and color-coded systems to keep your thoughts clear and highly organized on paper[3].

You can say goodbye to the constraints of a pre-defined planner or diary and enjoy the complete freedom of scribbling and jotting down ideas in the way you like the best. A bullet journal allows you to come up with your code and system and typically features a dot grid rather than lines. You can even customize it further using stickers, page numbers, doodles, unique fonts, and stencils. So whether you like hearts, crosses, Roman numerals, or anything in between, a bullet journal nurtures your creative spirit. And you can forget about those annoying prompts such as ‘How do you feel?’ or ‘Top Priorities.’

You're not just planning for today or scheduling your time later in the week; a bullet journal gives you an almost panoramic view of your life. Future log, monthly log, or day-to-day tracker, the dot grid system of a bullet journal makes it easy for beginners to get creative and make this form of note-taking and organizing your life a personal experience.

Your first bullet journal might include bullet points, a monthly calendar to plan, color coding, and a space for brainstorming. But as you move from beginner to a more advanced bullet journal user, you may turn your dot grid notebook from a minimalist life tracker to a detailed productivity system. You may even incorporate a table of contents, rapid logging stickers, a self-care ritual, and even a meal planning section - if that’s your sort of thing. A new bullet journal does allow you to freely express yourself while investing in self-care and mental health and boosting your performance overall. 

But that’s not to say bullet journaling can’t do digital - far from it!

Using A Bullet Journal App

There is an app for almost anything these days, and yes, this applies to bullet journaling, too. But how does it compare to the tactile experience of a physical bullet journal?

Let’s be honest: paper is satisfying, but a bullet journal app offers convenience, functionality, and portability.

  • Sync across devices? Check.
  • Notifications? Check.

However, there is a lot to be said about a physical journal, too. It offers a valuable break from screen time and a tangible sense of accomplishment. 

Like most things in life, it all comes down to personal preference. For some people, a pen and paper is best. For others who are used to carrying around a tablet device or smartphone, a bullet journal app makes so much sense, especially when synched to digital calendars and meetings.

Who should use the app? If you're constantly on the go, value digital integrations, or just prefer typing over writing—an app is your best bet and will provide digital functionality.

Mental Health Benefits Of Bullet Journaling

Delving deeper into the ‘why’ behind the bullet journal trend:

Mental Fog: Noting down tasks can drastically reduce mental clutter, aiding in clearer thinking. There is nothing more triggering when it comes to procrastination than mental chaos. Ideas race through your mind, and a mental to-do list causes anxiety to brew. A bullet journal is the solution you’ve been looking for. Use a task list to free your mind of noise and set yourself clear tasks for the day ahead. 

Mindfulness: By grounding your thoughts and plans via a bullet journal, you become more present, cherishing each moment and realizing your goals and achievements. The bullet journal method helps to focus the mind on one thing at a time.

Achievement Tracking: Talking of achievements, there is nothing quite like ticking off a to-do list, whether it be on an app or within the pages of a journal. Use a task list, bullet points, or a future log to keep note of your goals and the steps required to achieve them. Remember to reward yourself when you reach a goal.

Minimize Stress: Organizing thoughts and tasks can significantly diminish feeling overwhelmed or anxious. That’s why the bullet journal method is so popular amongst professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs.

 As many poets and storytellers have shown over the years, there’s something so special about the experience of putting pen to paper. And the bullet journal method beautifully encapsulates this essence.

Unraveling the "Zeigarnik Effect"

Let’s delve into the science of why the bullet journal method works so well!

Procrastination, whether it be distracting yourself from your to-do list or putting off work to indulge in yet another cup of coffee, is no laughing matter. This gray cloud on your productivity levels can not only harm your workflow but can also hinder your self-esteem. So, nip this in the bud by practicing bullet journaling at home.

The "Zeigarnik Effect," a concept first introduced by Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, explains that people, such as waiters, often remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks. How strange! This might explain why an unfinished project keeps gnawing at the back of your mind[4].

Recent studies, like those by professors Baumeister and Masicampo from Wake Forest University, echo these findings. They discovered that unfinished tasks can indeed be distracting. Yet, remarkably, putting a plan in place to complete them, rather than the act of working on them, can significantly reduce the anxiety around the tasks. So the next time you feel stressed out about your workload, break it down into a simple to-do list and feel the anxiety wash away. 

So, how does the bullet journal fit into all this? Well, it serves as a structured space, physical or virtual, to form a to-do list. So, the bullet journal doesn't just bring order to chaos; it might just be your secret weapon against procrastination.

Bullet Journal FAQs

A bullet journal is flexible and functional by nature. It can be completely tailored to your unique needs yet tends to include a daily to-do list, monthly log, personal goals, and space to sketch and doodle. But you could also have mood trackers, podcast lists, or gratitude logs.
Absolutely! The beauty of the bullet journal writing therapy method is its flexibility. So feel free to start whenever you feel the need. Remember, it’s about making it work for you, not trying to fit yourself into a rigid structure.
This depends on individual preference. While planners have predefined sections, bullet journals offer complete customization. If you value flexibility and creativity, bullet journals might be best for you. But if you prefer a straightforward, structured approach, a planner could be more up your alley.
Many find relief from anxiety through bullet journaling. It helps to organize your thoughts, set goals, and track your progress. All of which contribute to your sense of control and thus reduce anxiety. Additionally, the act of writing itself can be very therapeutic. That’s why it’s called writing therapy.

Bullet Journaling - Final Thoughts

So now you understand the mental health benefits a bullet journal can offer, it’s time to take action. Test out the mental health benefits of a bullet journal and enjoy a FREE trial of our bullet journal app - Rosebud. 


  1. Yiannouli, A. (2019), The point of a bullet journal. Veterinary Record, 185: 180-180.
  2. Phil Adams, Elizabeth L. Murnane, Michael Elfenbein, Elaine Wethington, and Geri Gay. 2017. Supporting the Self-Management of Chronic Pain Conditions with Tailored Momentary Self-Assessments. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17), 1065--1077.
  3. Davis, T., M.A., Ph.D. (no date) Bullet Journal Ideas: For Trackers, Mental Health, & More. Available at:
  4. Denmark, F.L. (2010). Zeigarnik Effect. In The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology (eds I.B. Weiner and W.E. Craighead).
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