Digital Journaling vs. Pen and Paper: Which One is Better?

Jane Leonhardt
Jane Leonhardt

Jane Leonhardt is a Phoenix-based copywriter with a background in psychology and communications. Her writing covers simple, science-backed methods for improving mental health and overall wellness.

October 21, 2023

In an age dominated by screens and environmentally friendly paperless methods, the ancient practice of journaling has found itself at a crossroads. As we ponder the best way to capture our thoughts, emotions, and life experiences, two distinct approaches are in competition: innovative digital journaling and tried-and-true pen and paper.

But which emerges as the winner? 

Key Takeaways icon

Key Takeaways

  • Weighing the pros and cons of digital journaling vs pen and paper can help you get the most out of writing.
  • Benefits of digital journaling include convenience, writing prompts, multimedia integration, privacy, and backup and restoration.
  • Digital journaling has some setbacks, which may deter people from trying it.
  • The AI-powered journal app Rosebud addresses the disadvantages of digital journaling and offers benefits that aren’t possible with traditional journaling.

In this article, we discuss the benefits of digital journaling and uncover how the clever AI journaling app Rosebud alleviates many of the disadvantages commonly associated with this writing technique. By the end, you will see there is a viable option for those who want the convenience of technology without sacrificing the intimacy of putting a pen to paper.

Let’s start with the benefits of using a digital journal like Rosebud.

Benefits of Digital Journaling

Digital journaling is the practice of using an electronic device to record your thoughts, feelings, and musings. There are many journaling apps that can enhance your writing experience in ways that are impossible with a pen and paper! Here are a few benefits of digital journaling:


With just a device and an internet connection, you can journal anytime, anywhere! This means you can capture your thoughts and reflections in the moment, whether you're commuting, traveling, or simply relaxing at home. No need to carry around a bulky journal or worry about finding a pen.

Writing Prompts

Digital journaling apps often provide personalized writing prompts that inspire thoughtful musings. Prompts help clear writer's block and encourage self-reflection on various aspects of life, from daily activities to deeper emotions and aspirations. This attribute can be particularly helpful for those who feel overwhelmed by a blank page or want to add variety to their journaling practice

Multimedia Integration

Many journal apps allow you to embed photos, videos, voice recordings, and even links to websites. With these components, you can include a picture that perfectly encapsulates a special moment, a voice recording that captures the mood and ambiance of an event, or web links that provide context and background for your journal entries. 


If you haven’t started journaling because you’re afraid that someone will get their hands on your deepest thoughts, you must try journaling on a secure app! Not only can you password-protect your device, but many journaling apps also have the option to lock certain entries or encrypt them all. Your personal feelings and contemplations will remain confidential, giving you a truly private place to express yourself.

Backup and Restoration

Digital journaling virtually eliminates the risk of losing your precious entries. Most journaling apps automatically back up your journal to the cloud, so your journal remains intact even if your device is lost, damaged, or replaced. All you must do is download the app on a new device, log in, and pick up where you left off!

Pros and Cons of Digital Journaling

When deciding between digital and traditional journaling, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons - this will help you get a better understanding of which format is best for you!

Digital Journaling - Pros

  • Environmentally friendly: You can save thousands of sheets of paper and dozens of plastic pens by simply using a digital journal! No more half-used notebooks going to waste or replacing your lost pen every other day.
  • Integration with other apps: Digital journals can be connected to other apps or software, allowing you to keep all your important items in one place. For example, you can link calendar events, attach documents, or even integrate with productivity tools for enhanced organization and productivity.
  • Easy customization: With journaling apps, you can instantly edit, revise, or rewrite entries without scribbling, erasing, or removing pages. You might find this makes journaling a much more pleasurable experience - especially if you have perfectionist tendencies.
  • Accessibility: Digital journals often come with accessibility features, like text-to-speech and voice recognition, making them more inclusive and accessible for individuals with different abilities.

Digital Journaling - Cons

  • Distractions: Digital devices can be a source of distractions. While journaling, you might be tempted to check social media, emails, or other apps, potentially undermining the focused, reflective nature of the activity.
  • Battery dependency: Journaling apps rely on the availability of a charged device or access to a charger and electricity. If your device runs out of battery, you will be unable to write until it's recharged.
  • Learning curve: Some digital journals have a learning curve, especially for those who are less tech-savvy. Figuring out how to use the software effectively may be a barrier for some users.
  • Lack of tangible connection: Digital journaling doesn’t have the tactile and sensory experience of pen and paper. Some people find the physical act of writing, the texture of paper, and the permanence of ink to be more emotionally satisfying.

Remember, the choice between digital and pen-and-paper journaling depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and needs. Although the modern method comes with its fair share of disadvantages, Rosebud, the #1 AI-powered journal for mental health and personal growth, presents as a superior option.

How Rosebud Dispels the Disadvantages of Digital Journaling

Rosebud combines the power of holistic wellness with the strength of artificial intelligence to bring you an exceptional journaling experience. Where other journal apps fall short, Rosebud excels!

  • Engaging prompts: Rosebud delivers personalized prompts according to your lifestyle, mental health concerns, goals, and more. Not only do these help jump-start your writing practice, but prompts also keep you engaged and less likely to get distracted by other apps on your device.
  • Easy to use: From the moment you create a free Rosebud account, your AI assistant explains exactly what to do, step by step. 
  • Interactive experience. Rosebud has an interactive mode, which functions like a two-way conversation. When you express a concern, Rosebud can affirm your experience and ask a question that helps you explore your feelings and work toward a solution.
  • Concentrated journaling: In focus mode, Rosebud will simply present a few questions that relate to your entry. Users tend to enjoy this mode because it helps them dwell in their thoughts without any feedback from the app’s AI.

Digital Journaling FAQs

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and both methods have their own unique advantages. It depends on your preferences and goals! If you aren’t sure which one you like best, give each one a try for a couple of weeks before you decide.

If you require convenience and accessibility, journaling on your phone may be an appropriate choice. However, if you appreciate the physicality of pen and paper, a notebook might be the better option! Some people combine both methods, using their phone for quick, on-the-go entries and a notebook for more reflective, in-depth writing.

Yes, digital journaling can be highly effective! It offers several advantages and has evolved to meet modern-day needs and preferences.

Digital journaling can do wonders for your mental health! With writing prompts that encourage self-reflection and self-awareness, you can gain insights into your behaviors, triggers, and thought patterns.

Start Your Digital Journaling Journey with Rosebud

Try Rosebud today for free to see how the AI-powered app changes the digital journaling landscape!


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  3. Aivaz, K. A., & Teodorescu, D. (2022). College Students’ Distractions from Learning Caused by Multitasking in Online vs. Face-to-Face Classes: A Case Study at a Public University in Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 11188.
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